Long considered a vital community resource for those interested in podcasting, blogging, and social media of any kind, PodCamp is coming back to Philadelphia for the third year in a row on October 3rd & 4th, 2009. It’s being hosted at Philadelphia’s Temple University and sponsored by Springhouse, Blubrry.com, Temple University, Social Media Club Philadelphia/Reality Check, Microsoft, and Real Player. SearchCamp and Social Media Camp are coming along for the ride as well!
If you have never been to a podcamp, but hesitate attending because you don’t know anyone, think you don’t know enough, think you know everything, don’t have a podcast yet, have been podcasting since before they had a word for it, want to know what Twitter is, or wrote a book on Twitter – PODCAMP NEEDS YOU! I will be working the registration/information desk for a good part of the weekend, as well as giving a talk or two, so now you know someone at PodCamp – you have no excuse! Registration is under $21, and all the proceeds go to the Covenant House charity. I promise it will be time well spent!