609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes one person’s business overflow with opportunity and the other person barely able to find clients? It doesn’t always come down to intelligence or talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t. The difference lies in what each person knows and how she makes use of that knowledge.

This is exactly why my Social Media for Women in Business Coaching Program exists, to help you find the knowledge that applies to you and your business and stop wasting time on the information that does not put you ahead.

Getting to the TOPOver two decades of ‘in the trenches’ experience both as a corporate professional and as an independent business woman have provided me with an intense and focused understanding of what it means to be successful in today’s business environment. I want to help you realize and achieve the success that I have by learning to use social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+ and others to grow your women-lead business. I can teach you how to grow your business with a minimal amount of time and money using social media.

I’ve been providing professional coaching to women as a part of my career for 22 years. It is what I do and what I believe in – and everything I live. Women want to lead fulfilling lives and run compassionate and profitable businesses. They turn to me to sort through massive amounts of knowledge and resources to find the right fit for their business.

Women don’t have one extra minute to spare to ‘play around’ with social media to find what works – and what does not work – for their specific and unique needs. They look to me to uncover the gems that will benefit them. Women put so much time and effort into every aspect of their business and only need a bit of encouragement, guidance, and coaching to reach – and exceed – their goals. Who are these women? They are…


For more information, please visit the Social Media Private Coaching Sessions page, thank you.

In order to be able to devote the time, resources, and attention each of my coaching clients, I only take a very limited number of clients on my calendar at one time. This ensures that each woman is given the attention, training, and resources that she needs to rapidly progress. Right now I have booked 40% 60% of my availability for 2012 Q1, so please contact me to secure your spot.