609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com

Secrets to Success on Social Media

The answer is simple – BE SOCIAL. Now of course if you get that part, you won’t need my company’s help or to even finish this article series. For the rest of us that realize we are learning every day no matter how successful or experienced we are...

Restocking The Shelves

Retail businesses are easy in the sense that you can quickly eyeball your shelves and see what you’re running low on, what has been sitting around collecting dust – and when it’s time to restock.  When what you ‘sell’ is in your brain,...

TEDx Talks

We are happy to announce that Lynette will be speaking at TEDx on May 7, 2010 at the TEDxNJLibrary conference.  The theme is Culture & Community.  TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” The program is designed to give...

Right NOW Is What Matters

This is a great video I wanted to pass along from Gary Vaynerchuk from Wine Library TV and the author of Crush It.  The message here is as a company, you have to respond to what your customers are doing and needing RIGHT NOW.  Not a year from now after the reports are...

Beg, Borrow & Buy Attention

I use a set of terms very near what was quoted in David Meerman Scott’s article and thought it may be a good idea to expand the idea. You can buy attention (advertising) You can beg for attention from the media (PR) You can bug people one at a time to get...