Connecting With Your Social Graph
Gathering “friends, fans & followers” – also known partly as your social graph – is a common goal on social media platforms (it’s really part of a tactic, but I digress…), but are you DOING anything to actively communicate with...
Facebook Promoted Posts – Are They Worth It?
Inexpensive self-serve ads on Twitter and Facebook have made advertising on social media networks more accessible to solo and small businesses. While Facebook Ads have been available for some time, the idea of Facebook Promoted Posts and Twitter Ads are a fairly...
Social Media Business Life Conference – Google+ Lunch & Learn
Social Media Business Life Conference Lunch and Learn presented by Lynette Young. Tips include: How to use Google+ to leap ahead of your competition FAST, Google+ Etiquette and Ecosystem Tips & Tricks and How to use the multimedia functions of Google+ to build your business.

Google Plus – First Look
I received an invite within hours of it hitting closed beta to the highly-leaked new social networking platform from Google called Google+. After playing with the platform for about three days now, I’d like to share some of my initial thoughts, reactions, and predictions.